March 21, 2005

Liberal Media, My Ass...

The Associated Press today reported the findings of recent public opinion polls on the war in Iraq. The results, of course, completely contradict the recent presidential election results ("a majority of people are generally unhappy with President Bush's handling of Iraq; six in 10 think the president does not have a clear plan for bringing the Iraq situation to a successful conclusion; two-thirds say the level of casualties in Iraq has been unacceptable"), providing yet another thing that makes you go, "Hmmn...there's something awfully scwewy going on awound here." But, conspiracy theories aside, that's not what got me going after I read the article. Instead, it's this little tidbit towards the end:
A majority of people think Iraq aided al-Qaida before the war and had weapons of mass destruction — two opinions that have been widely debated.
Widely debated? By who? Fox News? Delusional Bush supporters? Judith Miller? Sorry, but the case closed on both of these red herrings a looooooooooooooong time ago. Yet, thanks to the AP, there's a whole bunch of people who can still live in their dream world. Sheesh.

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