May 13, 2008

This One Goes Out To "Rico Bach"

Except for the occasional, angry Jared Leto fan, I rarely receive negative comments from readers of this blog. In fact, this blog rarely receives any comments at all unless you count the enthusiastic missives from obsessive Titanic fans or the nice folks who like to discuss Jehovah's Witnesses.

However, last night I received the following comment about yesterday's Bill O'Reilly post from some brave soul with a fake name, living in his parent's basement, who needed to let me know what a jerk I am:
As if your politics were not a large enough nut-filled turd, now you're beating your villians over the head with old blooper reel footage. The guy was stuck on "Inside Edition" for Christ's sake. If you are the savvy industry insider you claim to be, you know all of the less than flattering moments dubbed off on thousands of videotapes... capturing talent at their worst. Good thing there were no cameras in the edit suite rolling when you were throwing hissy-fits while keying cheesy supers over Ren & Stimpy promos... eh, Ace? My advice to you: grow up. And vote McCain, dumbass.
Where do I begin? Okay:
• First of all "Rico", if my politics seem like a stinky nougat to you, why are you even reading my blog? Shouldn't you be reading Jonah Goldberg?

• "Villains"? How quaint.

This is a blooper:

Hahaha. Wasn't that simply hi-larious? You see, Rico, a blooper is, to quote Merriam-Webster, "an embarrassing public blunder." I'll add the word "harmless" to that definition. The Bill O'Reilly video was not a blunder. It consisted of the lunatic ravings of a very unhinged man who continues to act that way, albeit without the profanity, on his high-quality "news" program, The O'Reilly Factor:

• Billo was "stuck" on Inside Edition?!?! For six years?!?! Bill started on that show as a correspondent in 1989 and worked his way up to anchor. Bill was actually so proud of his imprisonment tenure at Inside Edition that, in 2001, he falsely claimed that the show had won a prestigious Peabody Award. After he was busted for his lie by Al Franken, Bill claimed that he had mistakenly said "Peabody" and meant to say "Polk" (it was later learned that Inside Edition received it's Polk Award a year after O'Reilly was "released" from the show).

• I don't ever recall claiming I was a "savvy insider" but I might have once said I won a Polk Award (I was probably drunk when I said it so I really don't remember).

• "Hissy-fits"? I beg your pardon sir, but I don't roll that way. I once, at the ripe old age of 23, threw a 3/4" tape across a control room (which I believe "hissed" as it made it's way to the adjacent wall) but it's not a moment I'm particularly proud of (although someone had seriously messed up). However, it was a one-time event and not something I would use to base my career on. Yelling at people or physically intimidating them gets you nowhere unless you plan on hosting a show on Fox News. But, on this particular point, I agree with your view Rico and I'm glad there's no videotape of that unseemly event.

• Cheesy supers? You'll have to take that up with the Spike graphics guy who made them (and, I guess, John Kricfalusi since the graphics are simply a variation on Kricfalusi's logo.). I kinda like that spot, however, which is, admittedly not a graphics' showcase but more about writing and editing:

(Click to watch)

Well, writing...not so much.

• "Ace"? I like it. Any readers who want to leave negative comments are hereby requested to call me Ace. I've also instructed my wife to call me Ace in bed.

• I will never grow up. I'm too old for that.

• And finally, if, in November, I find myself pulling the lever for that ancient, doddering, war-mongering hypocrite, then, yes, I am a "dumbass."
So Rico, because I'm a good guy, I'd like to dedicate the following song to you. From RevoLucian, the man who brought us the classic Barbara Streisand remix STFU, comes F#*k It. Click the link to enjoy!


Anonymous said...

Oh, I know how you feel having to respond to a comment like that.. Doesn't it kind of piss you off after doing that that you even wasted your time responding?

I thought you might get a chuckle from this-
I did a quick google search and found this:
Check comment 5 from a familiar toned neocon apologist.

Funny, apparently he copy/pasted his post from this blog:

BTW, I really appreciate you blog. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

No offense, but your political observations, and subsequent response to my original comment, reveal all the sophistication of a petulant teenage diary… certainly not of someone who has been around long enough to have hurled ¾” tapes in frustration. This is barely Beta SP material. That aside, you zinged me I guess. I should have used the term “outtake reel”, and not “blooper reel”.

“War-monger”? “Billo”? You may be one of very few people who are watching way too much Olbermann. Keep up the mediocre work… sport.