October 04, 2007

"What's Inside" - You're Best Friend

From the new Wired/PBS show Wired Science, hosted by Chris Hardwick of Hard 'n' Phirm "fame."

If only my high school science classes had been like this, I wouldn't have become such a science lame-o.

(h/t boingboing)

UPDATE: I guess if I really wanted to stop being a science lame-o, I could start "attending" Berkeley's YouTube lectures (Integrative Biology & Physics 10 - Physics for Future Presidents) but I've discovered (for me at least) that large lecture halls are even harder to take on a computer screen than they were in real life (I attended a school with 44,999 other students):

I think I'm gonna stick with the funny Wired guys even though this is a very cool thing for Berkeley to do.


Anonymous said...

Guess you never took a class with Dave Stoneback.

Krup said...

nope, don't believe i did. in fact, i can't actually remember taking science classes in high school (that would probably explain the lame-o label a lot better). i do remember my drunk biology teacher from junior high, however. miss hinson. hooboy...