July 13, 2006

Cut the Traitor Talk

"To all the Republicans who sit in their air-conditioned offices and talk of the courage it takes for them to keep young kids in harm's way -- I say enough. Karl Rove talking about "cutting and running" while he sits on his big, fat backside-saying "stay the course." I say enough! That's not a plan! We've got to have a new direction, and it's clear we need more Democrats in Congress to get that done.

No matter how obvious the mistakes in Iraq become, or how many Americans get fed up, Republicans in Congress and the White House will label you a traitor to your country if you stand up and question them. I hope you will join me in my call to House Republicans by signing this petition. We hope to deliver 50,000 names to the Speaker of the House, asking them to cut the traitor talk and start to get a change of direction in Iraq -- if you believe this Republican Congress has abdicated its responsibility long enough, please join us."
Join John Murtha and sign the petition.

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