April 15, 2006

"Masters" of War

Via Digby:
JIM CLANCY, CNN INTERNATIONAL ANCHOR: Well, Colonel Gardiner, from what you're saying, it would seem like military men, then, might be cautioning, don't go ahead with this (the military option to stop Iran from developing a bomb). But what are the signs that are out there right now? Is there any evidence of any movement in that direction?

SAM GARDINER, FMR. U.S. AIR FORCE COLONEL: Sure. Actually, Jim, I would say -- and this may shock some -- I think the decision has been made and military operations are under way.
DIGBY: I really think it's possible that Bush and Rummy have already got a secret war going on, one that has not been revealed to congress in any form. It's designed that way. Bush is not going to fire Rummy --- he can't. He's already committed himself to this thing. This could be the ultimate action of the unitary executive.
We are so screwed.

Update: Crooks and Liars has the video.

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