February 15, 2006

"Bad, Bad Apples, Bad" *

From "The photos America doesn't want seen" courtesy of The Sydney Morning Herald

* Reason Online:
On Terry Gross' Fresh Air radio program May 18, (editor of the Weekly Standard, William) Kristol said "I don't think we should obsess about Abu Ghraib, to be totally honest"; consigned the problem to "a couple of extremely bad apples"; and then made this startling admission:
"A month ago [Robert] Kagan and I wrote an editorial suggesting Rumsfeld should be fired, or at least suggesting to Bush that he order Rumsfeld to change policies... I must admit in the last week or two, because of the hysteria over Abu Ghraib, I felt like I had to defend Rumsfeld a little because I just don't think it's at all fair to hold him responsible for this. You know, there could be better Defense secretaries. I don't think he should be fired under pressure probably right now."

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