Doesn't he have anything better to do?
(via the AP)
Al Sharpton Criticizes 'Boondocks'
The Rev. Al Sharpton has asked for an apology from Cartoon Network for an episode of edgy animated series "The Boondocks" that shows the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. saying the n-word."The Boondocks" didn't get the best of reviews when it premiered last Fall and I, foolishly listening to the critics, avoided watching it even though I had TIVO'd the first episode. However, I finally watched it last night and, IMHO, I'd have to say it was very smart and entertaining. I can't speak for the MLK show but I have absolutely no argument with the premise. Perhaps Al's just jealous because his TV show, "I Hate My Job," was such a complete failure (only eight episodes ever aired).
"Cartoon Network must apologize and also commit to pulling episodes that desecrate black historic figures," Sharpton, a civil-rights activist and former Democratic presidential candidate, said in a statement Tuesday.
"We are totally offended by the continuous use of the n-word in (cartoonist Aaron) McGruder's show."
The episode, "The Return of the King," aired Jan. 15, the day before the national holiday honoring the slain civil-rights leader. It shows King emerging from a coma and using the n-word in an angry speech venting his frustration toward sexually explicit hip-hop videos, among other things.
In the episode, King is branded a traitor and terrorist sympathizer for his "turn-the-other cheek" philosophy of nonviolence in response to post-Sept. 11 retaliation. Exhausted, he moves to Canada, but his speech provokes a second civil-rights revolution.
Cartoon Network released a statement Tuesday saying the episode is a tribute to King and "in no way was meant to offend or `desecrate'" his name.
"We think Aaron McGruder came up with a thought-provoking way of not only showing Dr. King's bravery but also of reminding us of what he stood and fought for, and why even today, it is important for all of us to remember that and to continue to take action," the statement said.
Maybe Al can go back to shilling for predatory lenders LoanMax...
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