December 21, 2004

It's Just Not as Titillating as a Blowjob in the Oval Office

From Bill O'Reilly's favorite organization:
A document released for the first time today by the American Civil Liberties Union suggests that President Bush issued an Executive Order authorizing the use of inhumane interrogation methods against detainees in Iraq. Also released by the ACLU today are a slew of other records including a December 2003 FBI e-mail that characterizes methods used by the Defense Department as "torture" and a June 2004 "Urgent Report" to the Director of the FBI that raises concerns that abuse of detainees is being covered up.
Raise your hand if you think the "Person of the Year" should have his ass impeached -- after all, it's not as if very many people actually like him:
Unless there's a dramatic turnaround in public sentiment between now and Jan. 20, Bush will be sworn in to office with the lowest job-approval rating -- barely 50 percent -- of any president in the last 80 years, or since modern-day presidential polling began.

"It's striking how weak he is right now," says presidential historian Richard Shenkman, editor of George Mason University's History News Network. "You'd have to go back to Woodrow Wilson to find a president who was reelected in a position as weak as this one."
Weak, cocky and more than a little repellent...

1 comment:

Jordan Golson said...

And yet, he was still elected by a several million vote margin.

Poll numbers don't matter anymore, let it go.