November 03, 2004


I'm too tired (but surprisingly not hungover) to really add anything new or clever to the chatter. Check out This Modern World, AMERICAblog, James Wolcott, etc. if you're looking for something fresh this a.m. (links are on the left -- how appropriate).

But, of course, I can't completely shutup. What I'm trying to figure out is who are those millions of people who voted for Bush and, more importantly, why? I understand the Christian fundamentalists absolutely had to vote for their guy (although I don't know how they're able to reconcile their Christian morals with Bush's bloodthirsty, war-mongering. I guess dead Iraqis and dead American soldiers are less abhorrent to them then dead fetuses). And, I understand if you're a morally-bankrupt CEO why you would just have to pull the lever for President Tax Cut. But, who are all of these other people who happily voted for George W. Bush?

On Monday, I made some last-ditch efforts to try and convert a few of those people, friends and relatives, who were planning to vote on the right. My efforts centered around one simple question: "Can you tell me one reason why George Bush deserves to be re-elected?" Honestly, I didn't get one acceptable answer. Mostly silence. One friend told me "because we're in the middle of a war." I told him that that reason was created by incumbent, wartime presidents. Plus, it doesn't really address the "deserve" part of the question. Then he quipped (I hope) that he'd rather have Laura Bush as first lady than "that nutjob" Teresa.

It's unscientific, I know, but I think those two answers tell us a lot about the mindset of those who voted against John Kerry. Ultimately, I never heard any reason remotely resembling why Bush "deserved" to be president for another 4 years. So, I think they were brainwashed into believing that you can't change horses mid-stream and that somehow George Bush was a better leader (afterall, look who George married versus the other guy). Obviously, the leader issue was burned into their minds not because of spousal issues but because Rove did such a damn good job of portraying Kerry as a flip-flopper (thank you complicit media) and of portraying Bush as the "war President" with a big-ass capital W (once again, thank you media).

One person I corresponded with accused me of being a typical, elitist Democrat because I told him to stay home Tuesday (he was undecided until the very last). He thought my implication was that he was too dumb to vote. Perhaps he was right. Maybe I am an elitist. And maybe he is too dumb. Because, given all that we know about Bush and Kerry, you have to be pretty darn stupid to think Bush is the better, stronger leader. I'm disappointed in the millions of Americans who bought into the lies, the smoke and mirrors. And I'm sad for this country and the world because we now all have to live with, to quote TBogg, another
Four more years of American soldiers being used as cannon fodder.

Four more years of scientific decisions being made by people who believe in a ghost in the clouds.

Four more years of debt that our children and grandchildren will have to pay off.

Four more years of racists and lunatics for judicial appointments

Four more years of looting the treasury and squandering it on corporate cronies.

Four more years of making enemies faster than we can kill them.

Four more years of fear and darkness and racism and hatred and stupidity and guns and bad country music.

I look at the big map and all of the red in flyover country and I feel like I've been locked in a room with the slow learners. We have become the country that pulls a dry cleaning bag over its head to play astronaut.
Hang on world, it's going to be a bumpy ride...

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