November 16, 2004

Target Dumps Salvation Army

...and so should you (unless you hate homosexuals). AMERICAblog has the details:
As you may recall, the Salvation Army considers itself an evangelical Christian church. It actively lobbies the government in favor of anti-gay legislation and policies, and your donations help them do that.

This year, to its credit, Target is no longer letting the Salvation Army use its stores to solicit funds this holiday season. The following companies are reportedly filling in the gap: Books-A-Million, Michaels, Auto Zone, Big Lots, and Circuit City.

"The Bush administration is working with the nation's largest charity, the Salvation Army, to make it easier for government-funded religious groups to practice hiring discrimination against gay people, according to an internal Salvation Army document.... George Hood, a senior official with the Salvation Army, said the group never discriminates in delivering its services, but on the question of hiring gay employees, 'it really begins to chew away at he theological fabric of who we are.'"- Washington Post, 7/10/2001.
Soulforce has printable PDF vouchers you can drop in Salvation Army kettles in place of money:


Anonymous said...

WOW!! I had no idea. Thanks for the info.

theColin: (xo) said...

i had no idea either, thank you!