Actual flesh is being penetrated, real blood is spurting, actual bones are crushing, real people are dying. 20 coalition soldiers have already been killed as have hundreds of insurgents. We don't know how many civilian casualities there will be and we'll probably never know (Liberty Post: "Pentagon suppresses details of civilian casualties"). But the NY Post thinks this whole war thing is "Smokin'" (actual front page headline, 11.10.04):
SMOKIN' - MARLBORO MEN KICK BUTT IN FALLUJAHWish I had screen-grabbed the accompanying picture of what the Post's website described as "Bloodied but unbowed, a leatherneck from Charlie Company of the U.S." The "leatherneck" had a cigarette dangling from his lips.
I am ashamed to be an American. Somebody, please, give me some hope...
(actual battle picture courtesy of/stolen from Daily Kos)
1 comment:
It's not very hopeful, but it's looking better and better every day:
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